

发布时间: 2020-10-13 14:39:31 已阅读:


陆飞,博士,副教授/硕士生导师。中国科学院化学研究所博士后,本硕博毕业于天津工业大学;20166月受聘于世界杯比赛押注官网,20196月晋升副教授。主要从事天然高分子材料的结构与性能调控及其在创伤止血与愈合的应用研究、生物医用材料的表界面构建等。先后主持/参研多项科研项目,包括国家自然科学基金、重庆自然科学基金、中央高校基本业务费项目等;在Carbohydrate Polymers,International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, CelluloseSCI期刊上发表学术论文30余篇,他引800余次,H因子17;申请国家发明专利10余项。


[1]        国家自然科学基金青年基金,项目号:51803171主持2019.1 -2021.12

[2]        重庆市自然科学基金面上项目,项目号:cstc2020jcyj-msxmX0024主持2020.7 -2023.6

[3]        中央高校基本业务费专项资金重点项目,项目号:XDJK2020B017主持2020.1-2022.12

[4]        中央高校基本业务费专项资金面上项目,项目号:XDJK2017C012主持2017.3 -2019.12


[1]        Yuan Zhen, Cheng, Junwen, Lan Guangqian, Fei Lu*. A cellulose/Konjac glucomannan-based macroporous antibacterial wound dressing with synergistic and complementary effects for accelerated wound healing. Cellulose, 2021, 28(9)5591.

[2]        Yixin Wang, Ruiqi Xie, Qing Li, Fangyin Dai, Guangqian Lan, Songmin Shang Fei Lu*A self-adapting hydrogel based on chitosan/oxidized konjac glucomannan/AgNPs for repairing irregular wounds. Biomaterials Science 2020,8, 1910-1922.

[3]        Yini Zou, Ruiqi Xie, Enling Hu, Ping Qian, Bitao Lu, Guangqian Lan, Fei Lu*. Protein-reduced gold nanoparticles mixed with gentamicin sulfate and loaded into konjac/gelatin sponge heal wounds and kill drug-resistant bacteria. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2020, 148, 921-931. 

[4]        Luoxiao Ran, Yini Zou, Juwen Cheng, Fei Lu*. Silver nanoparticles in situ synthesized by polysaccharides from Sanghuangporus sanghuangand composites with chitosan to prepare scaffolds for the regeneration of infected full-thickness skin defects. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2019, 125, 392-403. 

[5]        Honglei Chen, Junwen Cheng, Luoxiao Ran, Kun Yu, Bitao Lu, Guangqian Lan, Fangyin Dai, Fei Lu*. An injectable self-healing hydrogel with adhesive and antibacterial properties effectively promotes wound healing. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2018, 201, 70-80. 

[6]        Honglei Chen, Guangqian Lan, Luoxiao Ran, Yang Xiao, Kun Yu, Bitao Lu, Fangyin Dai, Dayang Wu, Fei Lu*. A novel wound dressing based on a Konjac glucomannan/silver nanoparticle composite sponge effectively kills bacteria and accelerates wound healing. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2018, 183, 70-80.






